AGM 1.00 p.m.
Saturday 5th. April, 2014 The Cricketers, Bagshot
1. Apologies from all, except those
present who were: Paul Bloomfield (Woking Pitts), Peter Colwill (Chairman - Amersham &
Chalfont), Rob Kenwrick (Assistant Organiser
- Wokingham), James Larcombe (Organiser -
Winchester), Bob Middlemiss (Epsom).
2. Minutes
from AGM 4 May 2013: accepted in faith.
3. Retrospective
of season 2013-14:
a. Club representatives present made brief reflections, which are
included somewhere in the following points:
- Remember
that the WSFA ethos is ‘playing regular friendly hockey’ and not win at ‘all
cost’ attitude.
- If one
side is short of a player and the other side has a spare substitute, then offer
the extra player.
- If the score at half time is 4 or
more to nil, then let the winning side switch the forwards and backs to make a
game of it. No team wants to walk off after a total drubbing.
- Some teams have requested the WSFA
play more games. Others have said let’s
honour the ones in the fixture list and not extend the season. Also it is
likely more postponements would occur.
- If team
have to postpone a fixture this must be done before the Thursday of the
Saturday in question.
- If the
postponed fixture cannot be played before the end of the season the points are not shared.
- If the
fixture was postponed too late by one team and then could not be played before
the end of the season the points are not shared.
b. E-mails
from Clubs were read:
- Iain Lynch (Haslemere) very kindly
offered a WSFA one day tournament before or after the season. This was warmly
received but the later date was strongly recommended. Suggested
dates: Sat. 4
or Sun. 5 April 2015 (Easter) or Sat 11 April 2015 subject to Haslemere
- John Spencer (Southampton) asked
whether the number of teams is being reduced. If so, please could everyone play
each other twice? Happily, the team list will be broadly the same as the
fixture list in 2013-4.
- Phil Moody (Southampton) applauded
the times when matches were honoured with teams playing (home or away) with
less than 11 players because the gaps were filled in by the squad which had
spare players (see above second point a.) Even playing 10 a side is better than
cancelling a fixture. Southampton lost
three home fixtures through opposition saying they could not raise a side. These points were well received.
- Howard Pollard (Havant) there are
some squads that have struggled to raise a side every week, how about an over 60’s
Alliance? This was discussed and sadly
it was thought to be unworkable. There
would not be the numbers to sustain it.
c. Looking
4. Election
of WSFA Committee Members:
(i) Chairman:
Peter Colwill
(ii) Organiser:
Rob Kenwrick (pro tempora
for this coming Season)
(iii) Assistant
Organiser: tba
(iv) Webmaster: George Oliver
(v) Nominated
Member: James Larcombe
(vi) Nominated Member: Tim Tennent
5. Numbers
of teams for 2014-5: Thankfully the number 15 remains the same
6. AOB
- Thanks
to Keith Hunt (Reading) for his time on the Disciplinary Committee as he steps
- There
have been no disciplinary issues whatsoever in 2013-4. What a friendly bunch of
players we are!
- Thanks to George Oliver for his work
on the Website. It was voted unanimously
to contribute £10 per team in the coming season to cover the cost of the
website domain and George’s good services.
- Thanks
to James Larcombe for his work over the past three years.
- Thanks
to Rob Kenwrick for administration of the Fixture List and weekly updates of
the Alliance Table.
With all good wishes, 29 April 2014
James Larcombe jlarcombe@psc.ac.uk 01962 622069 07986 708741